is an online Congregation bringing the Torah to all nations.

כִּי בֵיתִי בֵּית-תְּפִלָּה יִקָּרֵא לְכָל-הָעַמִּים
“…for My house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples
Isaiah 56:7b


All are invited to attend our

– Weekly Shabbat Services (Noon EST Saturdays) 

                  –  Tertulias en Español los martes a la 8 PM EST

                      –    “Torah is For Everyone” in English on Wednesdays at 8 PM EST 

                For our Zoom link: Contact us at 

                or call us at 514-481-4579 or 1-888-579-4276


We stand with the God of Israel,

The God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob!  


#BringBackTheTenCommandments at every level of society.