Are We Kosher Enough? Nisan 24 5780 In Parashat Shemini, the 8th day, the Creator was preparing the Cohanim, Aaron and his sons to do things the right way so that the people could FOCUS upon Him. It is not easy to change our way of thinking since our pride often holds us back. In […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
Parashá Shemini 5780
¿Somos lo Suficientemente Kosher? 24 de Nisan de 5780 En Parashat Shemini, el octavo día, el Creador estaba preparando a los Cohanim, Aarón y sus hijos para hacer sus funciones de la manera correcta para que la gente pudiera ENFOCARSE en Él. No es fácil cambiar nuestra forma de pensar, ya que nuestro orgullo a […]
Bring Back the Ten Commandments
Every issue that comes up today no matter what the topic is, always seems to be dealing with the symptoms and rarely the root. Taking a pill for a headache is like going to your car mechanic because a warning light on the dashboard is lit. He opens the hood, takes a scissor and cuts […]
Parashá Ha’azinu 5777
¿Es nuestro Creador un Dios “condicional” o un Dios de “continuidad”? Blog 13 de Tishrei 5777 בלוג הַאֲזִינוּ, י”ג תשרי תשע”ז El Creador parece tener significado condicional si no le obedecemos, entonces seremos castigados. La mayoría de la gente lo ve como un Dios que nos apunta constantemente con el dedo esperando el momento para […]
Parashat Ha’azinu 5780
Is our Creator a “conditional” God or a God of “continuity”? 13 Tishrei 5777 הַאֲזִינוּ, י”ג תשרי תשע”ז The Creator appears to be conditional meaning if we don’t obey Him then we will be punished. Most people see Him as a God who constantly points a finger at us waiting to punish us the […]
Parashat Ha’azinu 5777
13 Tishrei 5777 פרשת הַאֲזִינוּ, י”ג תשרי, תשע”ז This song or poem, Ha’azinu needs to be understood, taken to heart and applied to our lives. In it we get a glimpse of the history of Israel from being slaves in Egypt to becoming a nation. Israel would fail our Creator time and time again as […]
Parashat Vayelech 5777
6 Tishrei 5777 פרשת וַיֵּלֶךְ We are at a very important time of the year, the ten intermediary days between Rosh Hashanah or Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. We call these days Yamim Norayim, the awesome days or Yamim Teshuva, the days of returning to God. This parashah is very short but filled with meat […]
Parashat Vayelech 5777
Is it a sin or a crime? 6 Tishrei 5777 The Creator has given each of us “bechira chofshi” free will. This means that we are responsible for our own actions. Today however in this world, we have eliminated the idea of “sin” and replaced it with the notion of “crime”. This causes our society […]
Parashá Vayelej 5777
¿Es un pecado o un crimen? 6 de Tishrei 5777 El Creador ha dado a cada uno de nosotros “bejira jofshi” – libre albedrío. Esto significa que somos responsables de nuestras propias acciones. Hoy, sin embargo en este mundo, hemos eliminado la idea de “pecado” y lo hemos reemplazado con la noción de “crimen”. Esto […]
Rosh Hashana 5777
Este es primer blog en el Año Nuevo judío 5777. Según nuestras tradiciones las fiestas de Otoño se les da una gran importancia y tienen una calidad muy espiritual tanto positiva como negativa para nuestro pueblo. Hay una sensación de pesadez que sentimos como cuando hacemos nuestros balances personales y nuestros saldos durante el último […]