Do we Grasp God? 24 Shevat 5781 When I was reading Parashat Yitro, one of the most central portions of Judaism, I saw several main themes emerge: The first is the person of Yitro; second, Yitro’s observation of the daily life of Moshe and Israel; third: the banquet of Yitro and Moshe; fourth: Yitro’s advice […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
Purim Celebration
Kehilat She’ar Yashuv invites you to our Purim Celebration Thursday February 25, 2021 Adar 13 5781 7:00 – 8:00 PM EST Our youth will read the story of Esther and Mordechai Have your groggers ready. We’ll sing and rejoice so wear your costumes even if you’re at home! Invite your friends and even your enemies! RSVP […]
Applying the Ten Commandments
Whose Voice are you Listening To? To listen to the recording click on It has taken me a lifetime to finally be able say good things about myself, to myself. God’s Word teaches us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Everyone needs to hear that – some more than others depending upon the […]
Do we need Ten Commandments?
To listen to the recording, click on Rabbi Percy’s words still resound in my mind, as he taught us about the Torah through the eyes of Rabbi Yeshua and Moshe Rabenu. Rabbi Percy would get so frustrated because he felt that the message was not being received. He wasn’t speaking to those on the […]
The First Commandment Part 2
To listen to the recording, click on The second part of the first commandment says, …” you shall have no other gods before me.” Most of us think of gods as being carvings or statues or other symbols that are worshipped in many religions. I remember when I was deep into New Age thinking, I […]
Parashá Vaerá 5781
3 Shevat 5781 Sólo hay un Único Dios Mientras mis ojos recorrían en la lectura pshat (פשט) de la porción de esta semana “Vaerá” – וָאֵרָא- (Y apareció) en Shemot 6:2-9:35, logré visualizar cuál era el complejo trasfondo político, social, religioso y económico de la época. Cuando finalizamos Bereshit, nos dimos cuenta de que Paró pasa de ser un simple […]
Parashat Vaera 5781
3 Shevat 5781 There is only one Unique God As I read through this week’s portion “Vaera” – וָאֵרָא- (And I appeared) in Shemot 6: 2-9: 35, the pshat (direct meaning) that stood out to me was the complex political, social, religious and economic background of that time. When we finished Bereshit, we saw that Pharaoh […]
The First Commandment – Part 1
To listen to the Recording, click on If we look at the events unfolding in the world today, it seems that people are going mad. There is so much anger and division. We don’t know who to believe or who we can trust. We seem to have lost our moral compass. As a 30-year student […]
Introduction to the Ten Commandments Ser...
To listen to the Recording, click on My name is Peggy Pardo of Kehilat She’ar Yashuv. I’d like to do a series on the Ten Commandments in honor of our beloved rabbi Netanel Ben Yochanan who has now gone to be with his forefathers and his wonderful teaching to his community. I don’t want to […]
Parashá Shemot
Éxodo 1:1- 6:1 25 Tevet 5781 Estamos entrando esta semana en el segundo de los cinco libros que constituyen la Torá. Este parashá inaugura un nuevo libro, llamado por nuestros sabios ” Sefer Hageulá” (Libro de la Redención) y tiene la particularidad de que todo lo que ocurre en este libro se desarrolla en un […]