Nisan 3 Taken from Ranebi’s message on Vayikra 5780 Can you sense that God is calling you? This third book of the Torah is Sefer Vayikra, known as Leviticus, and also called the Sefer HaCohanim, the […]
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Parashat Vayakhel Pekudei 5783
Is God Hidden from us Today? Prior to writing this message for Shabbat, a verse written in the letter to the Hebrews constantly came to my mind. It says: “GOD, having spoken at many times and in many ways at another time…” (Hebrews 1:1). This led me to meditate on how often God speaks to […]
Parashat Ki Tissa 5783
18 Adar Israel, the Unfaithful Bride In Parashat Ki Tissa we read the difficult story of Israel’s sin against the Creator when they worshipped the golden calf. In Exodus 20 at the giving of the Commandments, God told us that He was the one who took them out of the land of Egypt; we were […]
Parashat Tetzaveh 5783
11 Adar Who will speak for those who cannot speak for themselves? I am taking the message on today’s Parashah, Tetzaveh (You shall command) from the teaching that our rabbi of blessed memory brought to us in 5780. As I mentioned last Shabbat, he told us that these portions are not chronological. Why should […]
Parashat Terumah 5783
4 Adar How do we listen to God‘s Voice today? Last week’s parashah Mishpatim ended dramatically with Moshe ascending Mt. Sinai in a cloud of smoke where he would be handed the Ten Commandments. Because Parashat Terumah begins with the conjunction “and”, we might think that the narrative would continue in that vein but instead […]
Parashat Mishpatim 5783
Are we still slaves of our past? Last week in Yitro we read about the giving of the Ten Commandments and in this portion, we will see 53 mishpatim, judgments or injunctions. The Ten are divided into three sections: The first three are the Mitzvoth describing our relationship with the Creator; the middle two, the […]
Parashat Yitro 5783
20 Shevat Recorded message: “He called a child and put him in the midst of them. So, he said: “I assure you that unless you change and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, the one who humbles himself like this child will be the greatest in the kingdom of […]
Parashat Beshalach 5783
13 Shevat 5783 Is there are Manual for our lives? Listen to the Recorded message: This was a particularly difficult week for me. Not necessarily because of personal issues. I am so grateful to God for my life. I am so blessed but I am watching what is going on in the world. This week […]
Parashat Bo 5783
6 Shevat 5783 When will we humble ourselves before him? Recorded Message: Mishlei 3:34 says “ He scorns the scorner but gives grace to the humble.” Today, because of our arrogance, humanity has fallen into very deep confusion about our role in today’s world. Every day we are fed with ideas that we are superhuman, […]
Parashat Vaera 5783
To listen to the recorded message: 28 Tevet 5783 Who can we blame if we have free will? In this parashah, Vaera “He appeared”, the Creator spoke to Moshe and said that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as El Shaddai but that He was not “known” to them as יהוה Yud Heh Vav […]