25 Tevet 5781 Exodus 1:1- 6:1 This week, we begin the second of the five books of the Torah, Shemot also called by our sages “HaSefer Hageulah” (the Book of Redemption). Everything that happens in this book takes place within a community, where the main player is the people, unlike the book of Bereshit which […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
Parashá Vayejí 5781
18 Tevet 5781 La Mishná (Pirkei Avot 3:1) cita a Akavia ben Mehalalel: “Considera tres cosas, y no pecarás. Debes saber de dónde vienes, hacia dónde vas y ante Quién rendirás cuentas eventualmente de todo lo que has hecho”. Al leer esta porción del Pirkei Avot, me di cuenta de que resume el proceso de la vida […]
Parashat Vayechi 5781
18 Tevet 5781 The Mishnah (Pirkei Avot 3: 1) quotes Akavia ben Mehalalel: “Consider three things, and you will not sin. You must know where you come from, where you are going and to whom you will eventually be accountable for everything you have done”. As I read this portion from Pirkei Avot, I realized […]
Parashá Vayigash 5781
11 Tevet 5781 Yehudah se le acercó Este parashá debería ser sobre Yehudah, después de todo, comienza cuando Vayigash eilaiv Yehudah יגש אליו יהודה – Yehudah se acerca a José. De alguna manera nos enseña a VAYIGASH – acercarnos – a Adonai Elohim. No somos perfectos; somos humanos, con errores, problemas, imperfecciones, errores, con tantos problemas, lo […]
Parashat Vayigash 5781
11 Tevet 5781 And Yehudah Approached “And he drew near or then he drew near” This parashah should be about Yehudah, after all, it begins with Vayigash eilaiv Yehudah יגש אליו יהודה – Yehudah draws near to Joseph. In a way, it teaches us to VAYIGASH – draw near – to Adonai Elohim. We are not perfect; we […]
Parashá Vayeshev 5781
26 Kislev 5781 La Parashá de esta semana nos cuenta la historia de José y sus hermanos. Metiéndonos un poco en contexto podemos imaginar la vida de Jacob, un padre anciano con todos sus doce hijos grandes. De madres diferentes y con personalidades propias a cada uno. Me pregunto ¿Como haría Jacob (y las madres, […]
Parashat Vayeshev 5781
26 Kislev 5781 This week’s Parashah, Vayeshev tells the story of Joseph and his brothers. We can only try to imagine what the life of Jacob was like as an elderly father with twelve grown children from different mothers and each with personalities of their own. I wonder how Jacob (and the mothers, of course) […]
Parashá Vayishlaj 5781
Esta porción de la Torá, nos recuerda sobre nuestra humanidad, nuestros temores, nuestros deseos, nuestras aspiraciones, sueños, nuestra lucha interna y hacia nuestro entorno. Pero lo más hermoso de ella, es que nos enseña cómo superar nuestras adversidades y crecer para ser mejores personas, padres, hijos, hermanos y cómo podemos dejar legado hacia otras personas. […]
Parashat Vayishlach 5781
This parashah in the Torah, Vayishlach reminds us of our humanity – of our fears, desires, aspirations, dreams, our internal struggle and our social condition. But the most beautiful thing about it, is that it teaches us how to overcome our adversities, how to become better people, better parents, better children, better siblings and that […]
Parashat Vayetze 5781
The Portal To Heaven 12 Kislev 5781 By Rabino Iosef Chemi Today we are going to look at Parashat Vayetze. I want to read Bereshit, Genesis chapter 28 pasuk, verse 17 יִּירָא, וַיֹּאמַר, מַה-נּוֹרָא, הַמָּקוֹם הַזֶּה: אֵין זֶה, כִּי אִם-בֵּית אֱלֹהִים, וְזֶה, שַׁעַר הַשָּׁמָיִם. “And he was afraid and said: ‘How awesome is this place! this is none […]