This is first blog in the Jewish New Year 5777. The High Holidays are always very spiritually charged both positively and negatively for our people. There is a heaviness that we feel as we do our personal checks and balances for the past year in the same way that we do in our businesses to […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
Parashat Nitzavim 5776
28 Elul 5776 פרשת נִצָּבִים, כ”ח אלול, תשע”ו This is the last portion before we start our High Holidays which is spiritually charged both positively and negatively for the Jewish people. There is a heaviness that we feel for it the time when we do our checks and balances for the past year. Many businesses […]
Parashá Ki Tavo 5776
“¿Quienes somos?” Blog 21 Elul 5776 בלוג כִּי-תָבוֹא, כ”א אלול תשע”ו “¿Quienes somos?” Muchas veces me han preguntado Judios y no Judios “¿Quiénes somos?” He batallado con esto desde el primer momento que comprendí que Yeshua era el Mesías. Toda religión que desciende de la Torá lleva consigo sus propias ideas acerca de quién es […]
Parashat Ki Tavo 5776
Who are we? 21 Elul 5776 כִּי-תָבוֹא, כ”א אלול תשע”ו I have often been asked by Jews and non-Jews “Who are we?” I have battled with this from the first moment I understood that Yeshua was the Messiah. Every religion that descends from the Torah carries within it their own ideas about who their […]
Parashat Ki Tavo 5776
21 Elul 5776 פשרת כִּי-תָבוֹא, כ”א אלול תשע”ו I have often been asked who we are. The answer to this entails the various functions of the Messiah. All the religions that descend from the Torah contain ideas about who he is and what they are expecting the Messiah to be. At the time of Yeshua, […]
Parashat Ki Tetze
“The Personal Revolution” 14 Elul 5776 כִּי-תֵצֵא, י”ד אלול, תשע”ו As I watch the progress of madness on this planet and wonder how we can ever fix things, I begin to understand how frantic Moshe must have felt as he was telling his people as much as he could before leaving them. Our […]
Parashá Ki Tetze 5776
“La Revolución Personal” 14 de Elul de 5776 כִּי-תֵצֵא, י”ד אלול, תשע”ו Mientras observo como progresa la locura en este planeta y me pregunto cómo podremos arreglar las cosas, empiezo a entender cómo Moshé se ha de ver sentido frenéticamente cuando estaba hablándole a su pueblo tanto como pudo antes de dejarlos. Nuestro Creador […]
Parashat Ki Tetze 5776
14 Elul 5776 פרשת כִּי-תֵצֵא, י”ד אלול, תשע”ו This parashah contains more mitzvoth than any other portion; 74 to be exact, 27 that we need to do and 47 that we should not do. Moshe is at the end of his life and is frantic to tell his people as much as he can before […]
Parashá Shoftim 5776
¿Somos responsables de nuestras acciones? 7 de Elul 5776 El profeta Isaías nos dice que un día Israel regresará a establecerse en la tierra prometida y la paz llegará a todo el mundo. Cada vez que Israel está en paz, el mundo está en paz; mientras que cuando Israel está en guerra, hay guerra en […]
Parashat Shoftim 5776
Are we responsible for our actions? 7 Elul 5776 The prophet Isaiah tells us that one day Israel will return and settle in the Promised Land and peace will come to the entire world. Whenever Israel is at peace, the world is at peace; whereas when Israel is at war, there is war all over […]