7 Elul 5776 פרשת שֹׁפְטִים, ז” אלול, תשע”ו In this portion a beautiful picture unfolds as Moshe speaks to the second generation of those who left Egypt on the way to the Promised Land. The only two people from that first generation to enter the land were Joshua and Caleb. Joshua was a Hebrew from […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
¿El verdadero Jesús póngase de pie por f
Blog Re’é 30 de 2016,30 Av פרשת רְאֵה ל ” אב, תשע”ו He tratado durante estos últimos años y todavía estoy trabajando con diligencia de traer a nuestro Mesías Yeshua no sólo a mi propio pueblo judío, sino también para los no-Judíos. Hay un gran malentendido por ambas comunidades acerca de quién es realmente Yeshua. […]
Will the Real Yeshua Please Stand Up!
30 Av 5776 I have tried over these past many years and am still diligently working on bringing our Messiah Yeshua not only to my own Jewish people but also to the non-Jews. There is a great misunderstanding by both communities about who Yeshua really is. However, if we take the time to closely examine […]
Parashat Reeh 5776
30 Av 5776 פרשת רְאֵה, ל” אב, תשע”ו The greatest gift that our Creator has endowed us with is “bechirah chofshi” – בחירה חופשי – free will. This doesn’t mean that we can do whatever we want rather that with free will comes responsibility. I have been asked why I have been focusing so much […]
Parashat Ekev 5776
What is more important…— the External Appearance or the Real One? Blog Ekev 5776 בלוג עֵקֶב , כ”ג אב, תשע”ו Most of us spend far more time preoccupied with our outward appearance than with what is inside. I have long been teaching you “say no to religion, yes to the Creator” but the majority prefers […]
Parashá Ekev 5776
¿Qué es más importante la Apariencia Externa o la Real? Blog Ekev 23 de Av de 5776 , בלוג עֵקֶב כ”ג אב, תשע”ו La mayoría de nosotros pasamos mucho más tiempo preocupados por nuestra apariencia exterior que en nuestro interior. Durante mucho tiempo he estado enseñando en: “decir no a la religión, sí al Creador”, […]
Parashat Ekev 5776
23 Av 5776 פרשת עֵקֶב, כ”ג אב, תשע”ו Ekev has many meanings in the Hebrew language depending on the context. It could be translated as “because” or “if” connecting two thoughts. It also means “heel” which as our sages say is the lowest part of the body when we are standing, showing us that we […]
Parashat Va’etchanan 5777
There is only one God 16 Av 5777 In Deuteronomy, Moshe explained to his people that they were a privileged nation and needed to take heed of the Creator’s Words reminding them that no other nation had such a God and Protector who would be with them always. He advised them to teach this to […]
Parashá Va’etjanan 5776
Hay solamente un Dios 16 de Av 5776 En Deuteronomio Moshé explicó a su pueblo que ellos eran una nación privilegiada y necesitaban que presten atención a las palabras del Creador recordándoles que ninguna otra nación tenía un Dios protector y que estaría siempre con ellos. Les recomendó enseñarles a sus hijos a través de […]
Parashat Va’etchanan 5776
16 Av 5776 פרשת וָאֶתְחַנַּן, ט”ז אב, תשע”ו In the end of the last portion, we read that the LORD our God goes ahead of us to fight for us. Moshe will constantly be quoting the past in order to prepare this next generation who would be the ones to enter the Promised Land. In […]