From message by Ranebi Cheshvan 25 5780 What is the Key to a Good Relationship? It’s surprising how many midrashim are written about this parashah Chayei Sarah “and Sarah lived”, some quite hard to believe. It is so important for us to differentiate between “illustration” and “truth”. In Judaism, we use a lot of Mishlei […]
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Category: Chayei Sarah
Parashat Chayei Sarah 5783
25 Cheshvan 5783 Are we living a life of integrity? Every story in the Torah contains pictures that are meant to teach us principles on how to live our lives. One picture is worth a thousand words. When I prepare a message, like our rabbi did for so many years, I ask our Creator […]
Parashah Chayei Sarah 5782
To watch recording click on the following link: What is our Value as Women? Today I’d like to address this message to our women. It’s not often that women are highlighted in the Torah, unless they had a unique role. Sarah was one of these, so much so that our sages used her name […]
Parashat Chayei Sarah 5781
“And If Not NOW, When?” 27 Cheshvan 5781 Bereshit (Génesis) 23 :1 – 25 :18 This week’s Parashah Chayei Sarah begins by telling us about the life of a woman who died. What an immense paradox. However, we can say that by the events narrated here, this parashah speaks of Sarah’s life. She died at […]
Parashat Chayei Sarah 5780
The Key to a Good Relationship Cheshvan 25 5780 חַיֵּי שָׂרָה, כ”ה חשון תש”פ When we read the Midrashim, it is important to differentiate between “illustration” and “truth”. In Judaism, Proverbs (Mishlei) and Parables (Mashal) are meant to teach us principles but the stories are not the Word of God. For example, the Torah tells […]