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Naso 5784 from 2018

Are you here to serve or to be served? The word Naso means to be lifted up or to be counted.  I’d like to continue the idea from my last week’s message: “Are we being counted?” The last count was where God was organizing and counting the Levites. He had already counted the twelve tribes […]

Parashat Naso 5782

Adapted from our Rabbi’s message on Sivan 14 5780 To listen to the live message click on : Do you “Feel” Called by God?   Parashat Naso נָשֹׂא is the second reading in the book of Bamidbar (Numbers), and continues the census of the people of Israel, now with the Leviim (Levites). The Creator chose the thirteen tribes, […]

Parashat Naso 5781

Are We Fulfilling Our Calling? Parashat Naso נָשֹׂא continues with the counting the children of Levi and the Creator appointing specific functions to the children of Levi as well as to each of the twelve tribes. Israel was called “The Chosen People” because they were chosen by the Creator to fulfil a role, regardless of those who […]

Parashat Naso 5780

Are You Fulfilling Your Calling? Sivan 14 5780 Parashat Naso נָשֹׂא continues with the counting the children of Levi and the Creator appointing specific functions to the children of Levi as well as to each of the twelve tribes. Israel was called “The Chosen People” because they were chosen by the Creator to fulfil a […]

Parashat Naso 5776

12 Sivan  5776     פרשת נָשֹׂא, י”ב סיון, תשע”ו Naso means to take and this is the model that our Creator has used for the Levites.  In Bamidbar He asked Moshe to take a census where I asked “Are you being counted? Now we move from being counted to examining if we are in the right […]