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Parashá Shemot 5782

¡No permitas que otros te etiqueten! Nuestra Parashá de hoy es Shemot, que significa “nombres”. Me gustaría centrarme en esa palabra porque los nombres son muy importantes. Mientras nos reunimos para celebrar el Shabat, millones de personas en todo el mundo están celebrando la Navidad. Me pregunto cuántos saben que Jesús era judío, que sus […]

Parashah Shemot 5782

Don’t allow others to label you! Our Parashah for today is Shemot which means “names”.  I’d like to focus on that word because names are so important. While we are gathering to celebrate Shabbat, millions of people around the world are celebrating Christmas. I wonder how many know that Jesus was a Jew, that his origins began […]

Parashat Vayechi 5782

Do we live a balanced life? This portion Vayechi, “and he lived” alludes to an important part of the essence of being human on this physical plane: LIFE.  Life is a cycle, and there is a saying in Spanish: “There is no evil that lasts 100 years” referring to the fact that life experiences are not […]

Parashá Vayigash 5782

El Perdón es Reconciliación Todos los que han leído la Parashat Miketz de la semana pasada han estado esperando ansiosamente el resultado de la reunión entre Joseph y sus hermanos. En esta Parashah Vayigash, el suspenso termina con el tan esperado final de la historia de José y sus hermanos. Finalmente, José les revela que […]

Parashat Vayigash 5782

Forgiveness is Reconciliation Everyone who has read last week’s Parashat Miketz has been eagerly awaiting the outcome of the meeting between Joseph and his brothers. In this Parashah Vayigash, the suspense ends with the long-awaited finale of the story of Joseph and his brothers. Finally, Joseph reveals to them that he is their brother, that […]

Parashá Miketz 5782

¿Cómo puedo encontrar mi propósito de vida? Cuando dedicamos tiempo y esfuerzo a conocer a nuestros hijos, pronto reconocemos los dones innatos que Dios les ha dado para que cada uno pueda cumplir su rol en este mundo. Incluso cuando nosotros, como padres, no tengamos el tiempo para nutrir adecuadamente sus talentos, el Creador les […]

Parashat Miketz 5782

How Can I Find My Role in Life? When we put time and effort into knowing our children, we soon recognize their God-given innate gifts so that they can each fulfill their role in this world. Even when we as parents do not have the time to properly nurture their talents, the Creator will open […]

Parasha Vayeshev 5782

La importancia de una buena comunicación A medida que leemos el libro de Bereshit, la historia de nuestros patriarcas se desarrolla, comenzando con Abraham, Isaac y ahora Jacob y sus doce hijos. Abraham, sin saber adónde iba, siguió las instrucciones del Creador hasta la tierra de Canaán. Arriesgó todo y puso su fe (su emuná) […]

Parashat Vayeshev 5782

To watch the Recorded Video, click on The Importance of Good Communication As we read through the book of Bereshit, the story of our patriarchs is developing, beginning with Abraham, Isaac, and now Jacob and his twelve sons. Abraham, without knowing where he was going, followed the directions of the Creator to the land […]