To listen to the recording, click on Today I’d like to look at the Seventh Commandment “You shall not commit adultery.” What is adultery? The dictionary says that it’s voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone other than their legal spouse. Marriage is a tradition that has changed drastically since Biblical days […]
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Author: Kehilat She'ar Yashuv
Parashat Behalotecha 5781
Is Anything Impossible for God? Is anything impossible for God? People tend to take the saying, “nothing is impossible for God” very lightly, to the point of it being a cliché. In this case, let’s examine two possibilities for the same issue. Bamidbar (Numbers) 11 begins with a complaint, “And it happened that the people […]
Parashá Behaalotejá 5781
¿hay algo imposible para Dios? Parece una respuesta muy simple y hasta burda, porque las personas tienen a decir a la ligera: “Sí, no hay nada imposible para Dios”, y se ha vuelto un cliché que carece de un significado real comprobado. En este caso, veamos dos realidades para un mismo problema: El proceso de […]
Parashat Naso 5781
Are We Fulfilling Our Calling? Parashat Naso נָשֹׂא continues with the counting the children of Levi and the Creator appointing specific functions to the children of Levi as well as to each of the twelve tribes. Israel was called “The Chosen People” because they were chosen by the Creator to fulfil a role, regardless of those who […]
Shavuot 5781
Shavuot is one of the lesser known of the seven Biblical Festivals even though it is one of the “Shalosh Regalim” – Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkoth). It was at these Chaggim – special Holidays that the Israelites would travel up to Jerusalem to celebrate and bring their extra offerings to the Temple, […]
Shavuot SP 5781
Shavuot es uno de los siete Festivales Bíblicos de los menos conocidos, a pesar de que es uno de los “Shalosh Regalim” – Tres Festivales de Peregrinación (Pesaj, Shavuot y Sucot). Fue en estos Jaggim, días festivos especiales, en los que los israelitas viajarían a Jerusalén para celebrar y traer sus ofrendas adicionales al Templo […]
Parashá Bamidbar 5781
En esta porción, los israelitas están en el desierto -Bamidbar, en el primer día del segundo mes, del segundo año después de que salieron de Egipto. Lo primero que se le dijo a Moisés que hiciera fue hacer un censo, para contar a cada jefe o príncipe de cada tribu. En lecturas posteriores, sin embargo, […]
Parashat Bamidbar 5781
Can I be counted on? So, we find the Israelites in the wilderness “Bamidbar”, on the first day of the 2nd month of the 2nd year after they left Egypt. The first thing that Moses was told to do was to take a census, to count every head or prince of every tribe. Later readings, […]
Parashá Bejar-Bejukotai 5781
26 Iyar 5781 Levíticos 25:1-27:34 El parashá Béjar (en la montaña) hace referencia al Monte Sinaí, el lugar donde D-s entregó la Torá al pueblo de Israel. Nuestros sabios explican que el Creador escogió esta montaña por ser más pequeña que las demás lo que alude a la humildad. Para recibir la Torá necesitamos ser […]
Parashat Behar Bechukotai 5781
Leviticus 25: 1-27: 34 26 Iyar 5781 The parashah Behar (on the mountain) refers to Mount Sinai, where the Creator gave the Torah to the people of Israel. Our sages explain that the Creator chose this mountain because it is smaller than the others, alluding to humility. They say that to receive the Torah, we […]