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Parashat Vaera 5783

To listen to the recorded message: 28 Tevet 5783 Who can we blame if we have free will? In this parashah, Vaera “He appeared”, the Creator spoke to Moshe and said that He appeared to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as El Shaddai but that He was not “known” to them as יהוה  Yud Heh Vav […]

Parasha Shemot 5783

21 Tevet 5783 Dieu Formule Sa Modèle pour l’Humanité Parashat Shemot commence par énumérer ha shemot, les noms des onze fils d’Israël qui sont descendus en Égypte, et de leur frère Joseph, qui s’y trouvait déjà. La prochaine partie de leur voyage transformerait ces frères de douze tribus en la nation d’Israël. Je considère que […]

Parashat Shemot 5783

21 Tevet 5783 God Formulates His Pattern for Humanity Recorded message: Parashat Shemot begins by listing “ha shemot”, the names of the eleven sons of Israel who went down to Egypt, and their brother Joseph, who was already there. The next part of their journey would transform these brothers from twelves tribes to the nation […]

Parashá Vayehí 5783

14 Tevet 5783 Hablando al Corazón Leemos esta semana el epílogo de la vida de Yaakov, Yosef y Bereshit. Mientras leía la porción de la semana, noté que Bereshit inicia reparando el caos (Tohu Vavohu) y convirtiéndolo en orden (Tikun). Cuando existe orden florece la vida, la creación, la multiplicación. Con el caos se produce […]

Parashat Vayechi 5783

14 Tevet 5783 Speaking to the Heart To hear the recorded message: In Parashat Vayechi, we read the epilogue of the life of Yaakov, Yosef and of Bereshit (Genesis). As I was reading this week’s portion, I noticed that Bereshit begins by turning chaos (Tohu V’vohu) and into order (Tikkun). Where there is order, life […]

Parasha Vayigash 5783

7 Tevet 5783 Extrait du message de Ranebi du 23 décembre 2017 Yeshua ben Yosef et Jésus-Christ sont-ils identiques ? Vayigash est une Parasha très importante en Bereshit. C’est l’aboutissement de la rencontre des deux frères principaux, Joseph et Juda avec leurs autres frères et leur père Jacob. Nous avions voyagé avec Jacob tout au […]

Parashat Vayigash 5783

7 Tevet 5783 Taken from Ranebi’s message on December 23, 2017 Are Yeshua ben Yosef and Jesus Christ the same? To listen to the recorded message: Vayigash is a very important Parashah in Bereshit. It is the culmination of the encounter of the two main brothers, Joseph and Judah with their other brothers and their […]