Where are you?” When we are children, the only thing we are interested in is today. When we get older, if we are wise, we realize that we need to face our past before we are able to move on to a healthy future. That’s what the Torah does for us. Before I came back to […]
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Category: Blog
Chol HaMoed Sukkot 5872
“What is the Purpose of a Temporary” Life? I hope that this holiday season is a spiritual as well as a community delight in each of your lives. These weeks have been difficult for my family as the pandemic has affected many people who are close to us; in fact, several have died in the […]
Parashat Ha’azinu 5782
The Song of Life Parashat Ha’azinu is the song in which Moshe says goodbye to the people of Israel after having led them through the desert and is now approaching his death. This song describes the history of our people and their relationship with the Creator in a nutshell. Here Moshe speaks mostly about the […]
Yom Kippur 10 Tishrei 5782
https://youtu.be/LiO3oXbCqVo In Jewish tradition, Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement is the holiest day of the year; however, the Torah says that all the Moedim, God’s Appointed Times hold equal value. It is believed that on this special day we will be forgiven for all our sins as if there is only one day when can […]
Parashat Vayelech 5782
Is it a Sin or a Crime? This is the intermediary Shabbat between Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur. Vayelech is very short but full of meat and meaning. Moshe is reminding us that at 120 years of age he won’t be allowed to enter the Promised Land with his children. How difficult that must have […]
Rosh Hashanah, 1 Tishrei 5782
My hope and desire are that the Eternal would pour out His blessings for us in this new cycle of the year 5782. I would like to speak a little about the shofar, its use, the types of shofarot that exists and what is the meaning of the command to “hear the sound of the […]
Parashat Nitzavim 5781
What do you choose…death or life? I know that I’m stating the obvious, but when you want to know what someone said, you go to the source. In this case, the best way to know what God wants from us is to “read” what the Torah says, not what others say it says. Of course, it’s […]
Parashat Ki Tavo 5781
Written in Spanish by Alejandro Alvarado – see Spanish Blogs Translated and narrated by Peggy Pardo This parashah Ki Tavo (When you enter) contains the instructions for what the people of Israel should do “when” they enter the Promised Land. The first thing was to set aside the first fruit of the land’s harvest and […]
Parashat Ki Tetze 5781
Why is it important to remember? This week’s parashah, Ki Tetze כִּי־תֵצֵא (When you go) contains more applications of the commandments than the others, giving us clear examples on how to apply them in relation to others and to the rest of creation (to animals, the land and even to plants). Unlike Western thought, where the so-called […]
Parashat Shoftim 5781
Justice, Justice we must Pursue When I was in high school back in 1961, we read the Bible. I went to a protestant school, and I remember being fascinated by the stories that I heard about Jesus, but Jewish girls do not bring Jesus home; besides he was the god of the gentiles. Years later in 1989, […]