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Parashat Ki Tisa 5780

Do Not Look for Excuses! Parashat Ki Tisa begins “when you take a census…” referred to the counting of the men, 20 years and older, who would serve in the Israeli army, demonstrating the confidence that we had in our own strength. The Creator asked Israel “not” to take a census unless He specifically called […]

Parashat Terumah 5780

What Unites Us? Adar 4 5780 The last parashah ends with Moshe going up Mt. Sinai where he will remain 40 days and 40 nights receiving the tablets of the Ten Commandments. Suddenly the Torah jumps to Parashat Terumah which will deal with the description of the building of the Mishkan. It begins in Exodus […]

Parashat Yitro 5780

Pride or Humility? Shevat 20 5780 In this portion, Yitro, we received the Ten Commandments, the constitution for Israel as well as for the entire world. There is so much to learn from the revelation of the Bore Olam but sadly His principles have been warped by elitists who have separated themselves from the rest […]

Parashat Beshalach 5780

Is your Past a Stumbling block? Shevat 13 5780 Parashat Beshalach begins with the Pharaoh “sending” the Israelites out of Egypt, notice that this was not the Creator. For about 80-90 years, they had been slaves to their Egyptian masters, living under a very oppressive regime after the new Pharaoh had ascended the throne. This […]

Parashat Bo 5780

Are you still in Egypt or on your Way out? Shevat 6 5780 בֹּא, ו’ שבט תש”פ With this parashah Bo, Israel’s slavery in Egypt has ended. The Pharaoh finally had to acknowledge that he was defeated by the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, even requesting a special prayer from Moshe. Yet although Pharaoh […]

Parashat Va’era 5780

Are we Slaves to Anyone or Anything? Tevet 28 5780 In this parashah, Va’era which means “He appeared”, the Creator appeared to Moshe and told him that He had made Himself known to his forefathers as El Shaddai, which has the idea of nurturing like a breast-feeding mother (shad means breast) but now the Israelites […]

Parashat Shemot 5780

Are We Still Limited by our Past? Tevet 21 5780 In Parashat Shemot, the nation of Israel is being developed, beginning with the circumstances that led to the “yetziah יציאה – the exodus” from Egypt. The answer to the question “why did Israel need to be born as a nation from the womb of slavery?” […]

Parashat Vayechi 5780

“Life is a Journey, Not a Destination.” Tevet 14 5780 וַיְחִי, י”ד טבת תש”פ This parashah Vayechi ends the book of Bereshit in which we read about the creation of the world by our Bore Olam and our place within it. We travelled from Adam to Noah and the destruction of the world due to […]