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Parashat Behalotecha 5781

Is Anything Impossible for God? Is anything impossible for God? People tend to take the saying, “nothing is impossible for God” very lightly, to the point of it being a cliché. In this case, let’s examine two possibilities for the same issue. Bamidbar (Numbers) 11 begins with a complaint, “And it happened that the people […]

Parashat Naso 5781

Are We Fulfilling Our Calling? Parashat Naso נָשֹׂא continues with the counting the children of Levi and the Creator appointing specific functions to the children of Levi as well as to each of the twelve tribes. Israel was called “The Chosen People” because they were chosen by the Creator to fulfil a role, regardless of those who […]

Shavuot 5781

Shavuot is one of the lesser known of the seven Biblical Festivals even though it is one of the “Shalosh Regalim” – Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkoth). It was at these Chaggim – special Holidays that the Israelites would travel up to Jerusalem to celebrate and bring their extra offerings to the Temple, […]

Parashat Emor 5781

What message am I sending today? Emor 19 Iyar 5781              by Mauricio Quintero From this portion Emor אֱמֹר, which can be translated as “tell them”, there are so many teachings that we can apply to our lives today. It speaks about how the Cohen HaGadol, the High Priest and the cohanim were to behave, so that they […]

Parashat Shemini 5781

Our Creator wants us Free and Happy! Parashat Shemini speaks of the account of the consecration of the Tabernacle, the death of Nadav and Abihu, and the dietary laws called kashrut. The previous parashiot detailed the construction of the Mishkan, all the instructions regarding the offerings and the tasks of the kohanim and leviim. The […]

Pesach Seventh Day 5781

21 Nisan 5781 Am I Still a Slave? In Matthew 4: 3-4 it is written: ” The tempter came to him and said, “If you are the son of God, (which is a messianic title) tell these stones to become bread.” Yeshua replied: “It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word […]