25 Cheshvan 5783 Are we living a life of integrity? https://youtu.be/bWHI0WJ-8ck Every story in the Torah contains pictures that are meant to teach us principles on how to live our lives. One picture is worth a thousand words. When I prepare a message, like our rabbi did for so many years, I ask our Creator […]
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Category: Blog
Parashat Vayera 5783
18 Cheshvan 5783 Am I compromising my integrity? To set the stage of the message for today, allow me to give you a little history about Parashah Vayera. Abram has now become Abraham and Sarai, Sarah. There’s a very interesting narrative in chapters 18 and 22 which are important in light of religions creating and […]
Parashat Lech Lecha 5783
11 Cheshvan 5783 Lech Lecha: Meet and listen to the call The recorded message: https://youtu.be/d0U5bTJDHd4 The Zohar interprets the opening words of this parashah, Lech Lecha, as “going to yourself”. “Lech” means “to go” and “Lecha” means “to yourself”. Therefore, according to mystical thought, the first crucial step in life is to go inward, within […]
Parashat Noach 5783
4 Cheshvan 5783 Are you building your ark? The Recorded message: https://youtu.be/uPrW2d-L7vk This week the tire of my car blew out on the street. I hadn’t changed one for years, and at the beginning I choked a bit, not because I didn’t know how to do the job, but because the lug nuts were so […]
Parashat Bereshit 5783
27 Tishrei 5783 taken from message from Ranebi on 27 Tishrei 5777 Recording: https://youtu.be/ock-zbd9hNk Do we think the Creator doesn’t see us? The Torah is filled with stories that hold universal teachings for humanity. One such story is in Parashat Bereshit in Chapter 4, in which we read about two brothers, Cain and Abel, the first […]
Hoshana Rabah 5783
20 Tishrei 5783 To listen to the message, click on https://youtu.be/d39tAfvdhvM Sukkot is without a doubt the most colorful of the holidays in the Jewish calendar. This festival lasts seven days during which we are to live in a Sukkah. Throughout our history, our sages have developed a variety of ways to celebrate and to […]
Parashat Haazinu 5783
13 Tishrei 5783 To watch recording: https://youtu.be/xq1bkhe_rxU Who is a Jew? Who is a Jew? This question came up twice during this week alone. The first time, when I was surfing YouTube, I saw a video entitled The Secret to Jewish Survival and the next day I received an article written by a Hebrew Christian […]
Parashat Vayelech 5783
6 Tishrei 5783 What does it mean “ To Fear God”? To hear recorded message, click on: https://youtu.be/nqwfnFw1AE8 The context of this parashah, according to our sages, is that it takes place on the last day of Moshe’s life on this physical plane. He is aware that he is going to die that very day, […]
Parashat Nitzavim 5782
28 Elul 5782 How then shall we live? To listen to the recorded message: https://youtu.be/4iXhXB0TJu4 Parashat Nitzavim is the last parashah of the Jewish year 5782. Tomorrow evening, we begin the year 5783, on the 1st day of Tishrei. According to the Torah, our new year should begin at Pesach, on the first day of the month […]
Parasha Ki Tavo 5782
21 Elul 5782 Se préparer à une vie ensemble pour toujours… Je me souviens quand j’étais célibataire, il n’y avait pas d’école qui nous préparait à vivre une vie conjugale. Le mariage qu’Evelyn, ma femme et moi avons construit ensemble a été le résultat d’essais et d’erreurs, de succès et d’échecs, pas le conte de […]