We are Called to Serve, Not to be Served! Iyar 29th 5780 Bamidbar (In the Desert), also called Numbers is a book that deals less with rules and regulations and is more about the development of Israel as a community during their last thirty-eight years in the desert. The journey was supposed to take eleven […]
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Parashat Behar Bechukotai 5780
He Who Lives by the Sword……will Die by the Sword Iyar 22 5780 This double portion Behar (At the Mountain) – Bechukotai (My Ordinances) is short but full of meat. The Creator called the people of Israel His “avadim – עֲבָדִים”, servants or in the singular, “eved – עֶבֶד” which might connote low class but […]
Parashat Emor 5780
The Torah is Alive! Iyar 15 5780 This portion, Emor (Speak) deals with the many rules and regulations for the Cohanim. How do we apply this to our lives today? I teach our community to live the Torah, the instructions given to us by the Bore Olam, our Creator. Most of us here have had […]
Parashat Acharei Mot- Kedoshim 5780
Iyar 8 5780 True Morality Comes from above, Not from Us! Acharei Mot (After the death) speaks about the tragic death of Aaron’s two sons. This is followed by the rules for the rituals at Yom Kippur so that no one else would meet with the same fate as these two young men. The two […]
Parashat Tazria-Metzora 5780
Are the Spiritual and Physical Connected? Iyar 1 5780 In the first part of the double Parashot, Tazria – Metzora, at first glance Tazria seems to corroborate the idea that has filtered down throughout the ages, that women are dirty during their time of menstruation. At the time when this was inscribed, women had less […]
Parashat Shemini 5780
Are We Kosher Enough? Nisan 24 5780 In Parashat Shemini, the 8th day, the Creator was preparing the Cohanim, Aaron and his sons to do things the right way so that the people could FOCUS upon Him. It is not easy to change our way of thinking since our pride often holds us back. In […]
Pesach Chol ha Moed 5780
Nisan 17, 5780 Passover: A Festival of Thanksgiving On this intermediary Shabbat, we pause from the regular Torah readings and turn to Pesach. Right now, we are isolated within our homes and even though we are separated from each other, we are looking forward to the end of this pandemic. It is my desire that […]
Parashat Tzav 5780
A True Offering Nisan 10 5780 Last week in Vayikra “And He called” we learned that He called the community to bring the Korbanot, the offerings to Him. This week in Parashat Tzav, “He commands” Aaron and his children, the Cohanim, how to offer the Korbanot. They would perform and teach this to the community […]
Parashat Vayikra 5780
We Have Been Called! Nisan 3 5780 This book Vayikra – “And He called”- better known as the book of Leviticus, is also called the Book of the Cohanim. It has three themes: 1) the Korbanot, the offerings 2) Tahor and Tamei, what is clean and unclean, proper and improper and 3) Holiness and the […]
Parashat Vayakhel Pikudei 5780
Be Strong! Be Strong! Be Strengthened! Adar 25 5780 חזק חזק ונתחזק Chazak! Chazak! V’nitchazek! At this time of the reading of this double portion Vayakhel Pikudei which ends the Book of Shemot, as we do with each Book of the Torah, we say, חזק חזק ונתחזק Chazak! Chazak! V’nitchazek! Be Strong! Be Strong! Be […]