Can you deceive GOD or hide from Him? Sukkoth is the last of the seven of GOD’s Appointed Times, HaMoedim, the Biblical Festivals. So many aspects of this festival make it difficult to understand. It is a seven-day holiday plus one extra day; it is the counterpart of Pesach, as they face each other, one […]
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Category: Blog
Vezot Habrachah – Yom Kippur 5785
“And This is The Blessing.” It’s a Jewish tradition to read the parashah verses for Yom Kippur but we decided in our community to read Parashat Vezot Habrachah. Again, according to tradition, it is usually read on Simchat Torah, an added holiday celebrated this year on October 25th. With Vezot Habrachah we close the books […]
Haazinu 5785
In Parashat Haazinu, it says in Devarim 32:44: “Moses came, together with Joshua, son of Nun and recited all the words of this poem in the hearing of the people.” Nothing touches the soul more than a good song or poem. There are no better words to express what GOD told Moses so I’d like […]
Yom Teruah 5785 from 5777
( Excerpt of Ranebi’s message in 5777) Although this holiday is called Rosh Hashanah by our sages, it is called Yom Teruah in the Torah. In Leviticus 23, we read where God orders the Israelites to proclaim His Moedim or Appointed Times. The Shabbat, the first of the Moedim covers all the holidays and then […]
Nitzavim Vayelech 5784 from 5777
Nitzavim Vayelech 5784 from 5777 The Shofar Shall Sound Soon! This is a double parashah, approaching the end of the Book of Deuteronomy and close to the entrance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We can sense a heaviness in the air during this month of Elul before the Fall Festivals. Our sages have made […]
Ki Tavo 5784
The Purpose of Life “At that time they will call Jerusalem ‘The Throne of God,’ and all the nations will gather there in Jerusalem, in the name of God. They will not follow the desires of their evil heart.” (Jeremiah 3:18) Our Parashah this week is Ki Tavo which means “when you come.” The main […]
Ki Tetze 5784
Are we part of the solution or part of the problem? One of the many beautiful things I’ve noticed when reading the Torah is that God creates templates for how He works with His creation. For example, He repeats throughout the Torah and again in this parashah Ki Tetze: “Always remember that you were a […]
Shoftim 5784
This parashah Shoftim is very special to our sages as it introduces the various functions of the Messiah: as a judge, a king, a priest, and a prophet and especially as God’s special envoy. We have been waiting for the Mashiach and our understanding of him depends upon which group we belong to. It is […]
Reeh 5784
Is it too late to turn the tide? How many people are going through some challenging times in their lives, in all aspects – family problems, health issues from physical and emotional distress, financial troubles, and that is in this so-called free country which has not yet become a warzone, like so many others around […]
Ekev 5784
Proverbs 21:21 says, “He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor.” Parashat Ekev lists a series of practical mitzvot (commandments) which, if fulfilled by the Israelites, would allow them to enjoy prosperity in the land they would inherit while banishing the Canaanites and establishing peace. Moses revisits the past years of the […]